of light, at which point some people develop winter blues. This is also
something that can be seen in people who tend to go to sleep too early
or too late.
Jet lag is another type of disruption to the biological clock, as well as
fragmented work disorders (which affect more than 10% of workers in
Europe) which are now recognized as real pathologies. All these disorders
can be reduced or even eliminated by the correct use of light and
darkness. When light cannot be found in natural form, light therapy is the
solution that offers the most benefits with the least side effects.
C. Its applications
Winter Blues
Fatigue - low energy
Problems with sleep rhythms
Work with a fragmented schedule
This product is not approved as a medical device under 93/42/CEE norms.
D. Contraindications
Whatever the reason for your purchasing Luminette® Drive, we advise
that you avoid exceeding the recommended daily usage.
There are few contraindications.
If you suffer from an eye condition (glaucoma, retinis, retinopathy, macular
degeneration), we recommend that you consult a specialist before