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All relevant national and international stan-

dards and regulations for Ex zones must be observed. 
On dampers with ATEX functionality in particular, the 
damper housing must be earthed using the earthing 
braids attached by the manufacturer. No mechanical 
changes may be made to the product. In addition do 
not attach any components (motors, limit switches, 
etc.) to the damper if they have not been analyzed for 
ignition risk by the appropriate manufacturers or ap-

proved for ATEX zones. It is prohibited to drill holes or 
fit bolts or screws in the interior of the dampers. This 
could lead to damage or disturb damper operation. If 
there is a risk at the factory that foreign bodies may 
enter the movement area of the slats, prevent them by 
suitable means (filters or catchment grills). This pre-
vents the slats from sticking and the possibility of 
frictional heat developing.


Back-draught dampers have no specified open-

ing pressure.


 The tripping pressure is adjusted according to 

customer specifications on a test stand at the manu-
facturer›s factory. After installation, the tripping pres-

sure may be readjusted within a limited range as 
required. This occurs by sliding the tripping weight on 
the lever and refixing it in the required position. If the 
weights are arranged above a passageway, it is impe-
rative to install a suitable catchment device.

Depending on the degree of soiling of the medium, 
carry out a dry clean from time to time; the seals in 
particular must be cleaned at regular intervals. In addi-
tion, operate the dampers at regular intervals to test 
for their operability depending on the specific plant 
conditions. This prevents the adjacent slats from sti-
cking. The slide bearings can be blown off using com-

pressed air as required, although they are basically 
maintenance-free (lubrication). Otherwise the DRK 
models operate maintenance-free.
Only LUCOMA genuine spare parts may be used for all 
repair and maintenance work. 


 All relevant national and international stan-

dards and regulations for Ex zones must be observed.

Before using LUCOMA dampers in areas with increased 
requirements, report the prevailing conditions to the 
manufacturer so that the correct damper materials 
can be selected. The correct damper materials are 

especially important in factories with chemically laden 
atmospheres, electroplating shops, battery rooms etc.

When installed and operated properly, the warranty 
according to the Swiss Code of Obligations is 2 years.


 Dampers operated in ATEX zones should be 

replaced every 10 years for safety reasons.

lucoma ag  



Weekendweg 5  ·  CH-3646 Einigen Switzerland



     T41 33 655 00 44  ·  Fax +41 33 655 00 45  ·  ·

InstallatIon, operatIon and maIntenance InstructIons

Pressure-relief damPers drK

bacK-draught damPers rsK

DRK and RSK basically function without a motor. How-
ever, for special applications, a motor may be fitted 
using a special bracket. When fitting motors, always 
comply with the maintenance and fitting instructions 
of the motor manufacturer. With lift motors, pay spe-
cial attention to power transmission at right angles to 
ensure trouble-free operation of the damper. Especially 
with drive motors which have high closing speeds, pay 
special attention to adequate protection of the move-

ment areas (slats and linkages) to prevent reaching 
into the mechanisms. Responsibility lies with the ope-


 All relevant national and international stan-

dards and regulations for Ex zones must be observed. 
In particular, only drive motors, limit switches etc. with 
special approval for use in ATEX zones are allowed. 
Responsibility lies with the operator. 
