User’s Guide ...
Table of contents
1. Caution during use
2. Product composition content
3. Name of each component
4. Installation sequence
5. Product feature
6. Firmware update and function comparison
7. Segment and buzzer sound
8. Product usage
- Power connection
- Recording during travel
- End of recording
- Recording during parking
- Confirmation of the current image
- Replay of recorded images
- Confirmation of travel information
- Description of recorded image replay screens
9. Lukas private viewer
- Composition of a Lukas viewer
- GPS information window
- Lukas viewer button usage
- Terminal environment setting
10. Memory card usage
11. Product specification
12. Customer support FAQ
13. Service technology support
14. Product warranty
Thanks for buying our Lukas black box.
This manual was prepared for a Lukas HD class black box model of QRONTECH
Co., Ltd., so there may be errors or omissions in technology or editing.
The homepage address of Lukas black box is
, through which
you can download the newest firmware and viewer.
Scope of warranty and responsibility
This product is an image and voice recorder aiming at video recording of a traffic
accident, but it doesn’t guarantee the recording of all accident images.
Our company takes no responsibility for the damage due to a trouble in this product,
the damage due to data loss, and the other damage caused in connection with this
A general memory saver has an available lifetime, and is subject to data loss due to
static electricity or external voltage, etc. Copy and keep important data in another
medium(hard disk, CD, mobile storage medium) by all means.
Even during an accident, when its impact is weak, the built-in sensor cannot detect
the impact, so that it cannot be automatically recorded.
Be sure to use our SD-Card. If not so, there may happen an error.
Authenticator information
1. The authenticated company: QRONTECH Co., Ltd.
2. Equipment name(model name): Lukas black box(LK-3700G, LK-3700, LK-
2700G, LK-2700)
3. Authentication No.: QRN-LK-3700G(A)
4. Fabrication date:
5. Manufacturer/nation: QRONTECH Co., Ltd. / Korea
This equipment was registered for suitability for electromagnetic waves as a
business class(class A), so sellers or users are required to pay attention to this
point, and this equipment is aimed at being used in another area than a home.