The tolerance range setting selection :
± 0.25% ± 0.5% ± 1% ± 2% ± 5%
± 10% ± 20% +80% -20%
The default tolerance is ± 1%
* Press Sorting button once will exit this function.
4-7 Calibration
In order to improve the accuracy for high/low
impedance, it is recommended to do OPEN/SHORT
calibration mode before the measurement. Push CAL key
larger than 2 seconds to start the open/short calibration
procedure :
OPEN ready OPEN calibration SHORT ready
SHORT calibration.
During open or short calibration processing, the
30-second countdown will be shown on LCD panels.
If the calibration procedure is finished, the PASS or FAIL
symbol will be shown on the primary display. If the
PASS symbol appear on for both OPEN and SHORT
modes, the calibration data will be saved to external
EEPROM after push CAL key again
4-8 Backlight
When user push BKLIT button ( LCD backlight Button ),
the backlight driver will be active
Push the BKLIT button
again to disable the backlight driver
4-9 RS232 output
When you want to send the measurement value to the PC
( computer ), push the RS232 key to start a 9600 bps
RS232 transmission active
Push the RS232 button again
to cancel the transmission
When RS232 output port is
transmitting, a RS232 indicator of LCD segment will be active.