send called code, that is, when the called number dialed by the user conforms to one of the dialing schemes
defined in the dialing rules, this product will immediately send this called number.
Select the <Voiceset> and <Digitmap>,the digitmap page is as following
Figure5-8 Digitmap
Please refer to the page description for the description of dialing rules. The system default rules are as follows:
Enable or not
Select "yes" to enable the number graph rule; Select "no"
to disable the number graph rule.
When the called number dialed by the user conforms to
the dialing rule defined by the number graph rule, the
product will send the called number immediately.
immediately sent when not match
With this option enabled, when the called number does
not match the defined number, the called number is sent
Maximum matching pattern
The current number dialed by the user can match one of
the rules in the number graph. At this time, the device
will not immediately send out the number, but enable
inter-bit short timer time to wait for receiving more
Numbers. If the number exceeds the inter-bit short timer
time without dialing, it will send out the number. If the
user continues to dial and matches a number graph rule,
the number is immediately sent out. If this is not enabled,
the number will be sent the first time the number that the
user dialed matches exactly the number graph rule.
Maximum matching mode is recommended.
5.9 Suppservice
Supplementary services are used to display the existing services of users, which are parameters of tr069. These