User Manual 79 39 080c | MagniLink Zip
Place the unit on a table. The MagniLink Zip has to be placed at least 10
cm from the edge of the table. Notice that the system’s reading table
can be moved up to 30 cm in three directions. MagniLink Zip has a low
total weight, which means that it is important to place the system
correctly so it always remains stable, especially if the reading table is in
its most extended position. An overload in this position may cause the
system to turn over.
Grab the screen under the front
panel (A) and lift it so you can
feel the weight of the screen in
your hand (the screen should
not move).
Pull out the pull-push button (B)
in the back of the unit and start
lifting the screen, approximately
5 cm
Let go of the pull-push button
and continue lifting the screen
(C) until it flicks on both sides.
The pull-push button should be
in its inner position.
If necessarry, jiggle the screen
up and down (D) until it comes
to the right position. The arms
are now in their upfolded