LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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13 Flying with LX Zeus
It is recommended to prepare the unit for every flight before take-off to ensure a stress-free and joyful flight.
This is especially important before any contest, record or badge flights.
Flight preparation on ground
It is suggested to check following:
Data base status
Prepare task (use new or edit options, or select imported task)
Before take off
Switch the unit ON at least
3 minutes
before take-off (this will ensure sufficient GPS reception and
will create a base line of the baro trace)
Select correct
(many settings belongs to pilot)
Check task if it is correct after using of
Task edit
The task actual during take-off will be
in Colibri II and Flarm
Switch on
second seat
unit in case of double seated glider
Setting of the take-off elevation
LX Zeus requires
take off elevation
input at initial Setup.
The elevation of the last landing place is offered. If this
doesn‘t match the elevation of actual take off place an
adaptation is necessary. User can also set QNH, select
pilot (profile settings), polar (if 18m glider then probably 2
polars inside) and set ballast.
On second seat unit is possible to select only a flying pilot,
other data has to be selected at the first (main) seat unit
QNH setting
The pilot should input actual QNH value of the airport where he will take off. This action should be carried
out on ground, after take off the menu will not open any more. After input of QNH on ground the pilot will
be able to adjust altitude reading during flight, if QNH will change
(select vario, flarm button and go to QNH
box and edit the value)
QNH settin
g doesn’t replace
setting of elevation
booting, this should be carried out every time otherwise
the unit will not switch to navigation mode. QNH setting
isn’t obligatory and may be neglected.