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Connections and Adjustments

All connections and adjustments are clearly indicated on the module 
and self explanatory.  Settings can be changed with the module 
powered on or off.


The SPG 1707 provides 3 x Tri-Level HDTV sync outputs and 3 x Bi-level 
SDTV sync outputs. HDTV and SDTV Sync outputs are available 
simultaneously and can be set to any standard.  Regardless of the 
settings made the SDTV and HDTV sync outputs and the audio sync 
output are always frequency locked.

Stand Alone Use

With no genlock input connected the SPG 1707 will function as a 
standalone precision sync pulse generator which can be used as a 
reference source (2 ppm accuracy).


When an analog sync input is connected (any standard or format) the 
SPG 1707 will genlock to this signal and all outputs are then frequency 
locked to the reference input. The connected reference is 
auto-detected and the green “genlock” LED will illuminate when locked.  
Full cross lock compatibility to any reference input standard or format.

Audio Reference

The audio reference output can be set to a 48KHz Word Clock or a DARS 
reference signal. Selection is made using the dip switch. The audio 
output is always frequency locked to the output sync signals.


The module requires a 12V DC power input and a LED is provided to 
confirm power is connected.  A power supply is provided, but if 
applying your own power, please provide a clean 12V DC power source. 
Module power consumption is approx 250mA (2.8VA)

Power Lead Strain Relief

The module has a small hole in the case located above the power 
connection. To prevent the power lead being accidentally pulled out, 
use the supplied tie-wrap and secure the lead as shown below.

Optional Mounting Bracket

The optional RFR 1001 mounting bracket  can be used to permanently 
mount the module on any flat surface or on 19” rack rails.  


Another module type is shown for 
illustration purposes only.  The principle is 
the same for the SPG 1707
