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2. Identify the J1708 Hi (+) and Lo (-) wires behind the diagnostic port, using the provided
diagrams. Test the voltage for each wire.
Hi (+): 3.5V-4.0V to vehicle ground with the vehicle running
Lo (-): 0.5V-1.5V to vehicle ground with the vehicle running
For 6 Pin Deutsch
For 9 Pin Deutsch
J1708 Hi (+): Pin A
J1708 Lo (-): Pin B
J1708 Hi (+): Pin F
J1708 Lo (-): Pin G
3. Connect the WHITE wire (labeled "J1708A") on the interface cable to the J1708 Hi (+)
wire using Posi-Tap (recommended) or ring terminal connections (where applicable).
4. Connect the BLACK wire (labeled "J1708B") on the interface cable to the J1708 Lo (-)
wire using Posi-Tap (recommended) or ring terminal connections (where applicable).
Route the High-Speed Serial Cable
WARNING: Make certain that neither the cable nor your installation activities interferes
with any airbag-related mechanisms or otherwise risks affecting airbag deployment.
Consult the vehicle manufacturer for the location of any airbag sensors and systems
and restrictions that may apply.
CAUTION: Before proceeding, you may need to remove the window and door trim to
route the cable underneath. These typically snap on and off using special clips. In
vehicles with side and curtain airbags, the clips are often one-time use and may need to
be replaced after removal. Please refer to the vehicle service manual for information.
1. Route the end of the High-Speed Serial Cable from the adapter to the nearest door
pillar. Route the cable behind and underneath the dash until reaching the kick panel.
a. Note: Depending on where you make your connection points, the routing to the A
pillar may vary.
2. Starting from below the dash near the kick panel, route the end of the cable up the
door pillar underneath the vertical door/window trim to the top of the door pillar.