KeyRig 25
Quick Start Guide
Certifying Key Rig Virtual Instrument
If your computer is connected to the Internet:
1. Launch the Key Rig application through the Windows “Start” menu.
2. Click on the M-Audio logo.
3. Double-click the box labeled “Enter Certification Code Here.” Enter your
certification code (found on the front of this Quick Start Guide) and click
“Certify On-Line.”
4. A website opens with a link to your personal certification file. Download this
file to your computer and double-click the certification file once it has finished
5. Restart Key Rig to complete the certification process.
If your computer is not connected to the Internet:
1. Launch the Key Rig application through the Windows “Start” menu.
2. Click on the M-Audio logo.
3. Double-click the box labeled “Enter Certification Code Here.” Enter your
certification code (found on the front of this Quick Start Guide) and click
“Certify Off-Line.”
4. M-Audio Key Rig places an Internet shortcut file on your desktop.
5. Using a floppy disk, memory stick, or other media, transfer the Internet shortcut
file to a computer with Internet access.
6. Double-click the Internet shortcut, and a website opens with a link to your
personal certification file. Download this file, and transfer your personal
certification file to your music computer.
7. Once transferred to your music computer, double-click the certification file.
8. Restart Key Rig to complete the certification process.