KeyRig 25 User Guide
Assigning a Note to a Button
The following shows the procedure for setting a button to transmit a MIDI Note On message when pressed, and a MIDI Note Off
message when released.
1. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button and push the button you wish to modify.
2. Press the CTRL ASGN key.
3. Enter “147” using the numerical data entry keys or the DEC/INC buttons. This is the MIDI CC number that corresponds to Note
On/Off mode (see Appendix B for all MIDI CC numbers).
4. Press the ENTER key to confirm.
5. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button followed by the DATA 3 key.
6. Enter “100” using the numerical data entry keys or the DEC/INC buttons. This will result in a “Note On” message with a velocity of
100 when your selected button is pressed. If you would like a different velocity, enter that velocity instead of “100.”
7. Press the ENTER key to confirm.
8. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button followed by the DATA 2 key.
9. Enter “0” using the numerical data entry keys or the DEC/INC buttons. This will result in a “Note Off” command being sent out
when your selected button is released.
10. Press the ENTER key to confirm.
11. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button followed by the DATA 1 key.
12. Enter “64” using the numerical data entry keys or the DEC/INC buttons. This results in MIDI Note 64 or E4 each time the button is
pressed. To play a different note, enter a different value here (MIDI Note numbers are listed in Appendix D).
13. Press the ENTER key to confirm.
Assigning RPN/NRPN to a Fader or Knob
Non-registered parameter numbers (NRPN’s) are device-specific messages that enable you to control synthesizers and sound modules
via MIDI. The MIDI specification defines open parameter numbers to allow manufacturers to specify their own controllers. Some of the
more common messages are now registered by the MIDI Manufacturer’s Association and are part of the MIDI specification (hence the
term Registered Parameter Numbers – RPN’s).
Each NRPN/RPN has an associated 2-byte number. The two bytes allow for 128 values each. (An RPN or NRPN message is made up
of two parts: the MSB and the LSB message. Both of these messages together constitute an RPN or NRPN command.) This allows for
16,384 values in total.
MIDI controllers 98 and 99 represent the NRPN LSB and MSB respectively, while 100 and 101 represent the RPN LSB and MSB
messages (see the MIDI controllers list in Appendix E). To transmit an NRPN/RPN message, these LSB and MSB controller messages
are sent along with their user-specified values. A further controller message and value needs to be sent to specify the (coarse or fine)
value adjustment. This is specified by controller number 6 (data entry) for coarse adjustments or number 38 for fine adjustments.
A list of NRPN’s is usually given in the user’s manual of any device that receives NRPN messages. It is always necessary that the NRPN
MSB and LSB be sent together. Both will be specified in the device’s manual.
To assign an RPN/NRPN message to a fader or knob:
1. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button and move the fader or knob you wish to assign.
2. Press the CTRL ASGN key and enter “132” for RPN Coarse, “133” for RPN Fine, “134” for NRPN Coarse, or “135” for NRPN
Fine using the numerical data entry keys or DEC/INC buttons.
3. Press ENTER key to confirm your selection.
4. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button, then the DATA 3 key.
5. Enter your RPN/NRPN MSB value and press the ENTER key to confirm.
6. Press the ADVANCED FUNCTION button, then the DATA 2 key.
This assigns the number for the RPN/NRPN LSB.
7. Enter your RPN/NRPN LSB value and press the ENTER key to confirm.