The Tape Banks
15 Choir
A rare 15 male/female voice choir. An interesting alternative to the famous 8 choir.
Accordion Chords
A selection of accordion chords recorded from a Mk II. Note: There are only 16 notes in this Tape Bank.
Accordion Bass + Violins & Brass
A microphoned recording featuring a carefully constructed Tape Bank faithfully recreating the Genesis ‘Watcher Of The Skies’
string, brass and bass accordion pad (Accordion Bass Notes 1-12 Violins & Brass Notes 13-35)
ARP Country
Recorded from Tangerine Dream’s collection of custom tapes.
ARP Fuzz
Again, taken from Tangerine Dream’s custom tapes and featured on many of their recordings during the 1970’s.
ARP Trombone
The final sound from Tangerine Dream’s collection of custom tapes. A recording of the ARP Pro-Soloist.
Augmented 8 Choir
The rare and powerful double Genesis 8 Choir from 1980.
Bass Accordion
Wonderful deep bass accordion tones recorded directly from a Mk II Tron. Note: This Tape Bank only has 17 notes.
One of the very rare and hardly used Mellotron
sounds. Very nice for early King Crimson-like songs.
Bassoon & Flute
This beautiful soft and moody sound perfectly fits to any kind of medieval song. Let the jesters enter!
Birotron Choir
Although the Birotron had overcome the 8 second limit for its sounds via the use of 8-track cartridges, we’re retained this limit for
use with the M-Tron.
Birotron Organ
A flaky but exceedingly rare Birotron organ recording.
Birotron Strings
Not the world’s best quality strings but very rare nonetheless.
Birotron Woodwind
Again, an exceedingly rare recording of Birotron woodwind. You can just recognize it as such, too.
Boys Choir
A fifteen-voice boys choir originally recorded at St John’s Wood Church in the UK.
Brass 1
A trumpet and sax combination.