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The VdS recognition of this lock is based on this mounting instruction. Read carefully.

The force applied to the lock bolt should not exceed 1 KN. If higher force is applied, please consult with 
the testing institute (i.e. UL, VdS). Only use supplied screws to mount the lock. Fix the lock handtied.
The maximum allowed cable/spindle-hole diameter is 11mm (if located under the lock body)
Position of the cable hole depends on which entry unit is used.

The lock has to be fitted exclusively on steel secure storage. The mounting base also must be made of 
steel . Installation on other materials only after consultation M - LOCKS or  VdS .

It is recommended to prevent access to unauthorized persons to safety-relevant parts of the high-
security lock when the safe is open . Par example by a with a screws fixed  interior cover.

The lock housing must be protected against destructive attacks from outside with suitable protective 
materials .
