5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN
Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail:
EM-1383 Rev.3 P. 4 / 4
1) Terminal wiring: Check that all cables are correctly con-
nected according to the connection diagram.
2) Power input voltage: Check voltage across the terminal
7 – 14 with a multimeter.
3) Input: Check that the input signal is within 0 – 100% of
the full-scale.
4) Output: Check that the load resistance meets the de-
scribed specifications.
5) Split-range setting: Confirm that the transmitter out-
puts are provided as intended.
Regular calibration procedure is explained below:
Warm up the unit for at least 10 minutes. Apply 0%, 25%,
50%, 75% and 100% input signal. Check that the output
signal for the respective input signal remains within accu-
racy described in the data sheet. When the output is out of
tolerance, recalibrate the unit using the PC Configurator
Software (moodel: MFS2CFG).
M-System offers a series of lightning surge protector for
protection against induced lightning surges. Please contact
M-System to choose appropriate models.