Premier E94 Crocodile Electric Engine
Additional Features Accessible with
the DCS Remote Control System
(Additional equipment required)
While conventional mode operation of a Proto-Sound® 3.0 engine yields wonderfully
realistic sound and several train control features, command mode operation allows the
user to access a world of command functions never before accessible to O Gauge
railroaders. With the addition of the DCS Remote Control System (including a DCS
remote handheld and Track Interface Unit) users gain many advanced features,
• DCS Proto-Speed Control - Establishes desired locomotive speed in scale miles
per hour increments via a thumbwheel control and allows operator to set
maximum speed and acceleration/deceleration rates
• ProtoSmoke™ Variable Output Control - Controls how much smoke each
engine outputs and matches smoke to locomotive speed
• Locomotive Lighting Control - Controls locomotive headlights, marker and
interior lights, beacon lights, ditch lights, and MARS lights
• Emergency Stop-Single button push stops all Proto-Sound® 2.0 and Proto-Sound®
3.0 engines but does not turn off the input power to the TIU
• One Touch Global Mute/UnMute-Single button mutes or unmutes all DCS-
controlled locomotives' sounds
• Proto-Dispatch Operation-Public Address-like feature allows users to speak
through locomotive speaker during operation
• Proto-Cast-Allows users to play audio recordings through locomotive speaker
during operation
• Proto-Doppler Sound Effects Set Up-Users can configure locomotive for
Doppler Operation, including setting distance points for Doppler start, repeat,
and stop modes
• Independent Volume Control of Engine Sounds, Bell, Horn & Whistle, and
Accent Sounds for each Locomotive
• Control up to 99 different DCS-Equipped Locomotives at one time with
multiple TIUs
• Proto-Effects™ Set Up-User can select individual Proto-Effects™ operations to
be active or inactive, including cab chatter, train wreck sounds, coupler sounds,
Direction Control Set Up-User can set initial individual start-up direction (start in
forward or reverse) for double-heading operations
• Locomotive Consist Set-up-User can determine locomotive values for consist
make-ups, allowing multiple locomotives belonging to a consist to operate