12. The stainless steel element keepers are stiff so grasp the element firmly while sliding the keepers in place.
USE THE 3/8 X 3 TUBE TO AID IN THE INSTALLATION. Double check your centering dimensions and them
push the keepers up tight against the button insulators.
13. Repeat steps 10 through 13 for the other set of elements.
14. Now that all the elements are in place, sight down the boom looking for element alignment irregularities
around the boom splice joints. Align and tighten.
15. Pick up the boom and find the weight balance point. Remember the feedline will attach at the rear and add
a bit more weight on that end. Position the boom to mast plate accordingly, attaching it to the boom with the 1-
1/8 inch U-bolts, cradles and nuts.
16. Circular polarized antennas such as this antenna must be mounted on non-metallic masts or support booms
and the feedlines must run off the back of the boom so as not to disturb the standing wave ratio and the circular
properties of the antenna. If this antenna is to be mounted as a pair of transmit-receive antennas a 6 to 8 foot
long by 1-1/2 inch diameter crossboom is recommended. When attaching the main 50 Ohm feedline, tape or
nylon tie it securely to the rear stub of the boom to remove stress on the male “N” connector.
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
4402 N. Selland Ave.
Fresno, CA 93722
(559) 432-8873 Fax (559) 432-3059
www.m2inc.com email: sales@m2inc.com