Using the handheld microphone VOX function
The supplied handheld microphone can be used as a
VOX microphone, so that the switch to transmit is
voice-activated and the PTT button does not need to
be pressed to transmit. To activate the VOX function
you have to press and hold the [M] key on the micro-
phone, the green LED on the microphone will light up.
To deactivate the VOX, press and hold the [M] button
on the microphone again.
Note: The unit only switches to transmit when the
channel is not in use or only at very low volume level
(when using the original VOX microphone) to avoid
feedback during VOX operation. For a trouble-free
VOX operation it is recommended to connect only
one microphone
Adjusting VOX Sensivity
With activated VOX function push and hold micro-
phone UP key. Then push UP key repeatedly until the
desired sensitivity levels is reached.
The four different levels are distinguished by the num-
ber of tones that are emitted. For the greatest sensiti-
vity select the level 1 (one tone is emitted). The se-
lected level is stored automatically.
Selecting VOX delay period for handheld
With activated VOX function push and hold micro-
phone DOWN key. Then push DOWN key repeatedly
until the desired VOX deley period is reached. For the
shortest period select the level 1 (one tone is emitted),
level 4 is the longest. The selected period is stored au-
Hands-free transmission with earphone
microphone [VOX]
The KCB-3000 has a built-in VOX that can be used
with an earphone microphone with a Kenwood plug.
To connect the earphone microphone, first remove
the protective foil that prevents dirt from entering the
two jack sockets.
When the VOX function is activated by briefly pres-
sing the [VOX/LOCK] button, the VOX icon flashes on
the display. Then the radio can be operated in accor-