Your new PowerPools
GFCI will trip.
A Ground Fault Interrupter (GFCI) Trip Test must occur to al-
low proper spa function.
Your PowerPool
came with special instructions for the in-
staller / electrician. If they have not already advised you on
what to do or expect form the GFCI Trip Test, please contact
them for instructions.
If the GFCI breaker connected to your spa trips, this is normal
behavior. Please reset the breaker and enjoy your spa. The
trip test has been completed successfully.
If your PowerPool
was not wired to a GFCI breaker or your
breaker fails the GFCI Trip Test, the spa will repeatedly at-
tempt (at preset intervals) to trip the breaker in the future
until such time that it triggers a GFCI Trip.
GFCI breakers are important safety devices required by
code for your PowerPool
. For more information, refer to
your dealer or to the section in your Owner’s Manual titled
“Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.”