5.11 Checking and Adjusting Endshields
Endshields are subject to expansion or contraction caused by large temperature variations. The position of the top
pin and lower latch can be adjusted to compensate for dimensional changes.
1. Check gap (X) between front end of shields and header
frame and compare to the values in Table
Gap at Various Temperatures, page 66
Table 5.3 Endshield Gap at Various Temperatures
Temperature in Degrees
°C (°F)
Gap (X) in
mm (in.)
7 (45)
13–18 (1/2 – 23/32)
18 (65)
10–15 (3/8 – 19/32)
29 (85)
7–12 (9/32 – 15/32)
41 (105)
4–9 (5/32 – 11/32)
If the endshield gap is correct, skip to the next
procedure. If adjustment is required, follow these
Figure 5.34: Gap between Endshield and
Header Frame
Opening the endshield:
2. Push release lever (A) located on the backside of the
endshield to unlock the shield.
3. Pull endshield open using handle depression (B).
Figure 5.35: Left Endshield
Revision A