Revision A
Chapter 4:
Maintenance and Servicing
This section provides information about routine servicing for the header. A parts catalog is located in a plastic case at the
right end of the header.
Log the machine
s hours of operation and use the maintenance record provided (refer to
) to keep track of maintenance procedures as they are performed.
Recommended Safety Procedures
These procedures will minimize the chances of injury when maintaining or repairing the machine.
Park on a level surface when possible. Follow all recommendations in your windrower operator's manual.
Figure 4.1: Safety Around Equipment
Wear close-fitting clothing and cover any long hair. Never
wear dangling items such as scarves or bracelets.
Figure 4.2: Safety Equipment
Wear protective shoes with slip-resistant soles, a hard hat,
protective glasses or goggles, and heavy gloves, as needed.