1. Turn the door switch on.
Check the transformer is outputting the correct voltage as well.
2. Run motion on the machine
1. Lower the jog rate using the knob on the control
2. Carefully jog each axis. Confirm that they are traveling in the right direction.
3. If a motor is traveling in the wrong direction is can be easily reversed in the MachMotion software.
Navigate to the top left of the screen and click Configure>Mach and then click on the Motors.
Select the problem motor and check the Reverse check box.
3. Test inputs and outputs
The best way to do this is use the buttons already setup for the intended function. For example, "Coolant" has
a hard button on the control. You can also toggle signals manually by going to the Service tab, then
Machine I/O. Double clicking on a signal will change its state. Double click again to change it back.
Power System Up
Carefully inspect incoming power to make sure it is within range for your system.
We recommend utilizing a Multimeter to check incoming power.