Mackie Dual D8B Setup
1. Connect the Ethernet port of the master D8B to the Ethernet port of the Slave
D8B using an “EHERNET CROSSOVER” cable.
2. Connect the Word Clock OUT of the “Master” to the Word Clock IN “Slave”
D8B, using a 75ohm BNC cable.
3. Connect the output of the ALT I/O card from the “Slave” to the ALT I/O input
of the “Master”.
4. On the “Master” D8B, in the SETUP menu, do the following…
a. In the NETWORK menu, set the Network Channel to “NETWORK
CHANNEL 1”. In the Console Linking section, select all the functions
you would like to have linked.
b. Under the FTP MENU, set the IP Address to and the
Subnet Mask to
c. In the DIGITAL I/O page, set the sample rate to that of your session
and make sure the clock source is set to “Internal”.
5. On the FX Bank of the “Master” D8B, disable ‘Solo Mute’ on the return
channels 1-8 (last 8). To do this, hold the “Alt” button on the console while
pushing the solo button on each channel (This will prevent these channels
from muting when you solo a channel).
6. On the “Slave” D8B, in the SETUP menu, do the following…
a. In the NETWORK menu, set the Network Channel to “NETWORK
CHANNEL 1”. In the Console Linking section, select all the functions
you would like to have linked. In the ALT I/O section, select “BUS
OUTS 1-8”.
b. Under the FTP MENU, set the IP Address to and the
Subnet Mask to
c. In the DIGITAL I/O page, set the sample rate to that of your session
and make sure the clock source is set to “Word Clock”.
-In this setup, your Slave D8B will output audio from the Bus outs. These Bus outs
will feed signal to the 8 return channels on the Master D8B. These return channels
will be mixed in with the other channels on the Master to feed the master outputs
and control room outs.