Master Fader
Master Fader: Name and Image
The master fader’s name and
image is similar to that of a channel
strip’s name and image.
Like the channel faders, the
master fader’s name and image is
also user-editable. Simply tap the
button at the bottom of the master
fader and a popover allows editing a
name or selecting an image. Utilize
the keyboard to personalize the
name or choose a new image from
the popover [Figure O].
No worries if the selected
output is changed during
recording. Recording will continue
on as if nothing happened until
recording is stopped manually.
Now check out the Record
button on Figure N. It’s gone!
Well, maybe not gone per se,
but just replaced with a Solo
button. If the selected output is
any Aux, Reverb, or Delay, the
Record button will be replaced
with a Solo button.
Soloing offers the opportunity
to audition the selected output
and make any necessary level
adjustments to the inputs. The
output solo is AFL, so the fader
level will affect the signal you hear
in the headphones.
The Solo button illuminates yellow
when engaged.
Figure N
Master Fader:
Auxes & FX
Figure O – Names and Images