P : 8 5 5 . M P S . S H I P
m a c l e a n p o w e r . c o m
4 8 1 M U N N R D S U I T E 3 0 0
F O R T M I L L , S C 2 9 7 1 5
reposition the O-ring prior to retightening the fitting or the O-ring will
become damaged and a new O-ring will be required.
2. On the LL-1 FPM 10-ton jack, the best choice is the JIC joint between the
power input hoses and the control valve. Refer to Drawing 50141
3. Sometimes repeated cycling of the control valve on the LL-1 FPM will reduce
the pressure enough to force couplers together.
4. Sometimes repeated attempts to connect a coupler will allow enough fluid to
“leak out” that the connection can be made.
Spare parts for the LL-1 Anchor Locking kit are available from your Manta Ray
distributor. Refer to Drawing #E1012 for the major component parts of the LL-1 Anchor
Locking Kit. Refer to Drawing 50141for the plumbing components of the LL-1FPM 10-
ton jack assembly.