Deploying Contribute to Departments and Enterprises
archives rollback copies of files.
contains design notes. These files record information about who last published a given
page, and other information
contains drafts of pages that have been sent for review but have not yet been published
to the site.
Keeping these folders, and the files that Contribute stores inside them, off your production
website provides an additional level of security. Although every effort has been made to make
these folders and their files secure, the best security measure is to keep them on a server protected
by your network’s firewall. In addition, you should consider using ACLs to secure these folders
further by restricting access to network addresses within your organization’s network.
To learn more about the Contribute administrative files, see
“Contribute site structure”
on page 11
“Approvals and site structure” on page 22
For more information about designing websites with Macromedia Dreamweaver for use with
Contribute, and the best practices to use when deploying Contribute, see the following resources:
To help you learn more about Contribute and the best practices for creating web content, see
the Macromedia Contribute Designer and Developer Center at
To learn more about using Dreamweaver to design content for your website as well as general
information about website design, see the Macromedia Dreamweaver Designer and Developer
Center at
If you use Dreamweaver to design website content, see
Using Dreamweaver
(available from the
Dreamweaver online help) to learn about the best practices for creating CSS, web page
templates, Dreamweaver library items, and other types of web content for use with Contribute.