- 5 -
You are now ready to mount the DWM PC board in the chassis.
Install the DWM-4 PC board in the chassis using four screws, nylon spacers, washers and nuts.
Do not drill out the holes in the PC board
Install U1 (the 68HC11) by carefully pressing it into place in its socket. Note that U1 has a
flattened corner that should match the socket.
Install U3 (the LM339) by carefully pressing it into place in its socket. Note that U3 has a notch that
should match the socket.
Install the ribbon cable with the red stripe connecting pin 1 of J7 to pin 1 of J7 (2 x 7 header) on
the front panel.
Install the ribbon cable with the red stripe connecting pin 1 of J8 to pin 1 of the LCD Module on the
front panel.
VHF/UHF Remote Sensor Assembly Instructions
Install the resistors, R1 and 2.
Install the diodes, D1 and D2. Note the band polarity.