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Product Information Card


Product Notes

The Bridge101A Data Logger measures and records voltage, typically used in conjunction 
with strain gauges, load cells or other low-level DC voltage sources. This device is designed to 
accurately measure and record the output of the gauge to determine parameter levels such as 
stress, torque, strain, and pressure on a structure or item over a period of time.

Available in three different measurement ranges (±30 mV, ±160 mV or ±1200 mV), the 
Bridge101A offers a reading rate of up to 4 Hz with memory capacity of 1,000,000 readings 
(memory wrap optional). The device can be configured to start at a specified date and time 
up to 24 months in advance and the pushbutton start/stop feature allows the user to initiate 
or cease logging data in the field if desired. 

*MadgeTech recommends using 350 or 1000 


 strain gages. 120 


 strain gauges can be used with the 

Bridge101A but it is not recommended as it will reduce the battery life, potentially increase noise level and  

limit the low end temperature operation.


- Green LED: every 10 seconds to indicate logging and 15 seconds to indicate delay  

start mode. 

- Red LED: every 10 seconds to indicate low battery and/or memory and 1 seconds to 

indicate an alarm condition. 

Installation Guide

Installing the Interface cable

- IFC200  

Insert the device into a USB port. The drivers will install automatically.

Installing the software

Insert the Software USB Stick in an open USB port. If the autorun does not appear, locate 
the drive on the computer and double click on Autorun.exe. Follow the instructions  
provided in the Wizard.

Device Operation

Connecting and Starting the data logger

- Once the software is installed and running, plug the interface cable into the data logger.
- Connect the USB end of the interface cable into an open USB port on the computer. 
- The device will appear in the Connected Devices list, highlight the desired data logger.  
- For most applications, select “

Custom Start

” from the menu bar and choose the desired 

start method, reading rate and other parameters appropriate for the data logging 
application and click “


”. (

Quick Start

” applies the most recent custom start options, 

Batch Start

” is used for managing multiple loggers at once, “

Real Time Start

” stores the 

dataset as it records while connected to the logger.


- The status of the device will change to “


”, “

Waiting to Start

” or “

Waiting to 

Manual Start

”, depending upon your start method.

- Disconnect the data logger from the interface cable and place it in the environment to 



Note: The device will stop recording data when the end of memory is reached or the device is stopped. At this 

point the device cannot be restarted until it has been re-armed by the computer.


Downloading data from a data logger

- Connect the logger to the interface cable.
- Highlight the data logger in the Connected Devices list. Click “Stop” on the menu bar.
- Once the data logger is stopped, with the logger highlighted, click “Download”. You will 
be prompted to name your report.
- Downloading will offload and save all the recorded data to the PC.

Device Maintenance

Battery Replacement


Small Phillips Head Screwdriver and a Replacement Battery (LTC-7PN)

- Puncture the center of the back label with the screw driver and unscrew the enclosure.
- Remove the battery by pulling it perpendicular to the circuit board.
- Insert the new battery into the terminals and verify it is secure.
- Screw the enclosure back together securely.



Bridge101A standard calibration values:


Recalibration $40.00

Logger Voltage

30 mV

150 mV

1000 mV

Strain (V)

0 V and 22.5-25 mV

0 V and 90-100 mV

0 V and 900-1000 mV








