MadgeTech, Inc.
6 Warner Road
Warner, NH 03278
Phone 603.456.2011
Fax 603.456.2012
DOC-1322035-00 REV 1 2016.01.27
Listed specifications can be used to determine maximum allowable exposure times for the HiTemp140
with ThermoVault Max. The barrier extends the operating temperature of the logger up to, but
not exceeding, the measurement range. Please consult the measurement range of the probe for
temperatures above 250 °C (482 °F).
Both the data logger and ThermoVault Max must be at ambient temperature, approximately 25 °C (77
°F) before being placed in the extreme temperature environment. Immediately following exposure to
high temperature, the data logger should be removed from the ThermoVault Max, using appropriate
precautions, as it could be VERY hot. Failing to remove the data logger may allow heat trapped in the
ThermoVault Max to continue to heat the data logger to potentially unsafe levels.
The ThermoVault Max may take hours to fully cool down. Even if the exterior of the ThermoVault Max is
cool to the touch, the interior of the barrier and its contents may still be VERY hot.
The ThermoVault Max is primarily intended for use in dry air environments, but with the addition of the
TMAX Wet Seal Kit, the ThermoVault Max may also be used in liquids and steam environments.
If your application involves a ramp up to a temperature above 150 °C (302 °F) and/or any complex
temperature profile that isn’t a constant process, please contact MadgeTech to determine whether the
HiTemp140 with ThermoVault Max is suitable for the application.
To determine if the HiTemp140 with ThermoVault Max is suitable for the application, please provide
MadgeTech with a detailed description of your process, including temperatures, durations, ramp times
and process media such as air, steam, oil or water. If MadgeTech is unable to definitively calculate the
suitability of our product for your application, a test unit outfitted with a high temperature indicator can
be provided.
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