Editing an Existing Route
You can edit a route you have already created. In the edit mode, you can add waypoints to the end
of a route, change waypoints in the route and delete waypoints from the route.
Editing a Route
Access the Routes Screen. Tap on the name of the route you want to edit.
The route is displayed just as it was the last time
you saved the route. To change a waypoint, tap
on the arrow next to the waypoint name and
select the new waypoint from the drop-down
menu. To insert a waypoint, tap on the number of
the waypoint you want the new waypoint inserted
before, and then tap on the
button. Select
the waypoint for this new leg by tapping on the
arrow next to the waypoint name. To add a
waypoint, tap on the
button and select a
different waypoint for the newly created leg by
tapping on the arrow next to the waypoint name.
To delete a waypoint, tap on the number next to
the waypoint name.
Next, tap on the menu icon on the Palm organizer
and access the Tools menu.
Tap on
Remove Waypoint
. The waypoint is now
removed from the route.
When you are done editing the route, Tap on the
button to save your changes and
return to the Routes Screen.