By clicking the acceptance button, installing the software provided on CD or using the pre-loaded
software and data, if any, (together the “Software”), you are agreeing to be bound by all of the terms
and conditions of this software license agreement ("Agreement") including, without limitation, the use
restrictions, warranty disclaimer and limitation of liability set forth herein. If you do not agree to be
bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you should immediately STOP
INSTALLATION or USE of the Software and refer any questions in writing to: Thales Customer Support,
Z.A.C. de la Fleuriaye, B.P. 60433, 44474 Carquefou Cedex, France..
The license is not a sale of the Software. The Software and the accompanying documentation are
copyrighted works of authorship and contain valuable secret and confidential information proprietary to
Thales (“Licensor”) and its third-party suppliers, including any data supplied by NAVTEQ, each of
whom retain the ownership of the information and all copyrights and other proprietary rights therein.
You agree to exercise reasonable efforts to protect these proprietary interests. You agree to exercise all
reasonable efforts to protect these rights. Copyright law prohibits making copies of the Software for any
reason, nor may you copy the written material accompanying the Software.
Under this Agreement, you have a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software
contained in with the product only for your personal use subject to the User Restrictions below. You
may not sublicense, rent or lease the Software, but you may permanently transfer your license to use
the Software and accompanying materials by delivering to another party the original copy of the
Software package, including this Agreement, together with the hardware. The transferee must then
confirm, in writing to Licensor, its agreement to all terms and conditions outlined in this Software
License. Such transfer terminates your license to use the Software. Licensor and its third-party
suppliers retain all rights to the Software. If Software is provided on a CD you may install a single copy
of Software on a single computer to enable you to download data from that computer for use with a
single Magellan family handheld GPS receiver. Licensor and its third-party suppliers retain all rights to
the program not expressly granted by this Agreement.
User Restrictions. The Software may only be used on a single computer and on a single Magellan GPS
receiver owned or leased by you. You may not operate the Software in a time-sharing or service bureau
operation, on a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of Licensor. Except to
the extent explicitly permitted by mandatory laws (e.g. national laws based on the European Software
Directive (91/250) and the Database Directive (96/9)), you agree not to translate, modify, adapt,
disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer the Software, or create derivative works of the Software or
documentation or any portion thereof. You may only use the Software with a Magellan GPS receiver
manufactured by Licensor. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the Software, or any portion of
it, may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible
under the law. If you wish to obtain interoperability information as defined in the national laws based
on the European Software Directive, you shall grant Licensor and its third party suppliers a reasonable
opportunity to provide said information on reasonable terms, including costs, to be determined by
Licensor and its third party suppliers. End User shall indemnify and save harmless, the Licensor and its
third-party suppliers (and their third-party suppliers) and their officers, employees and agents from and
against any claim, demand or action, irrespective of the nature or the cause of the claim, demand or