If you experience discomfort, immediately stop using Magic Leap
One. If you decide to resume use of the device, before doing so,
you should take a break and make sure you have properly set it up,
to help reduce your risk of discomfort.
Your risk of discomfort is heightened if: you have never used
Magic Leap One before, the device is not properly set up prior
to use; you use Magic Leap One for extended periods of time
without a break, the device is used to view content that has
a high likelihood of inducing motion sickness or nausea (e.g.,
games or movies where you are moving through open areas or
viewing heights); you have a history of motion sickness, nausea,
dizziness, eye strain, or headaches; or you use Magic Leap One in
unfavorable lighting conditions.
To minimize discomfort, consider slowly acclimating yourself to
a spatial computing environment by: initially limiting your use
of Magic Leap One to shorter sessions and taking breaks during
use of the device. Be mindful of the nature of the content that
you were viewing before the onset of any discomfort. You may
re-experience discomfort if you view that content again or view
similar content, and persistent discomfort may increase the
chance of an injury.
If you have serious or persistent discomfort, please consult with
a doctor. Until you have fully recovered, do not drive, operate
machinery, participate in activities that are physically or visually