blue PiraT Mini
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 8 von 56
4.1 Further manuals
Beside this user guide we offer the main manuals for our client as well as for the different data
logger generations in our ServiceCenter at
User manual for the Telemotive System Client
User manual for blue PiraT2 / blue PiraT2 5E
User manual for blue PiraT Mini
User manual for Remote Control Touch
User manual for blue PiraT Remote
For having an easy access if necessary, the most important manuals are linked in the client
under the menu item
and are reachable easily from there.
Figure 4.1: links to the manuals
Our licensed enhancements have own manuals which are stored in the ServiceCenter too. You
will find a list of these enhancements in the user manuals in the chapter
Additional features by
optional licenses