Stability is the key to backhoe performance. The
following information and illustrations pertaining to stability
should be carefully studied prior to operating the backhoe.
To increase stability for a digging operation, position
the loader bucket flat on the ground. Apply sufficient
down pressure on the bucket to transfer weight from the
front of the tractor to the loader bucket.
IMPORTANT: The loader bucket must be flat on the
ground. ROlling the bucket forward so the cylinders
are extended may cause bucket cylinder or rod
During normal digging, as the bucket penetrates the
ground and is filled, there is a tendency for the rear of the
Tractor to raise off the ground and move toward the
bucket. Properly set, the stabilizers anchor the Tractor
and prevent it from moving toward the bucket. The ability
of the stabilizers to hold depends on the amount of weight
acting on them.
When lifting a full bucket, there is a tendency for the
front of the tractor to rise. COunterweight in the form of a
ballast box is required to overcome this tendency. The
backhoe should not exert more lift force than the effective
counterweight can balance. Effective counterweight is
the weight of the tractor from the stabilizer pads to the
Set the stabilizers to remove weight from the rear
track wheels. The tracks are to remain touching the
ground as this provides for the widest stabilizer stance
and the lowest center of gravity. Raising the tracks off th
ground will not only reduce stability and digging depth,
but will impair performance and impose unnecessary
stress on the unit.
Stability is particularly important when operating the
backhoe at the extreme swing positions, because the
tendency is to lift one stabilizer and transfer the total
weight of the unit to the other stabilizer.
Operate two or more levers at the same time
throughout the filling cycle for smooth action and
maximum performance.
Control the bucket attitude throughout the digging
cycle to keep the teeth at the proper angle for best
penetration. This will minimize dragging and scraping the
bucket through the ground.
When digging in hard-packed soil, bucket penetration
can be increased by applying down pressure with the boom
while crowding in and curling the bucket. If the crowd
action “stalls,” it may be necessary to apply lift occasionally
during the digging cycle to correct the bucket depth.
(Curl In - Curl Out)