MGC control unit
Description of menus and parameters
Random function
The MGC control unit is equipped with the "random function" option. This
function allows random bag and identity control of persons.
If a hit was generated by the random function and the next validation is
blocked by the random function, the following symbol appears on the display
of the control unit: « ».
For the random function you can choose between "Counting" or "Random"
modes. You activate the random function via a permanent signal (+24 V DC) at
the "random function" input. If the random function has generated a hit, the
pedestrian gate is closed for passage despite a valid opening pulse. A signal is
emitted at the output with the "random hit" function. You can connect a signal
lamp or a siren to this output.
The passage remains blocked until the random hit / validation is confirmed
with a 0 V pulse at the "random function" input.
Operational view > Main menu > Setup > Random function
Set the function of the random function.
Disabled: The random function is not in operation.
Counting: If the number of passages since activation has reached the set
value for the "Hit range" parameter, a hit is reported and the passage is
blocked. For example, if you set the value "100" for the "Hit range"
parameter, a hit is generated every 100
The hit is confirmed via the "Random function" input function. After
acknowledgement, the random function counter restarts.
Random: You can set the random probability using the "Hit range" and
"Count of hits" parameters. By activating the random function, the set
"Count of hits" is randomly generated, which must lie within the set "Hit
range". For example, if you set the value "100" for the "Hit range"
parameter and "10" for the "Count of hits" parameter, hits are generated
randomly for 10 people out of 100.
Factory setting