2010 Magnum Energy, Inc
3.0 Operation
3.0 Operation
After installing and connecting the MM-R/MM-RC remote controls,
the remote should be tested to ensure it is functional.
1. Press the ON/OFF push button located on the display panel.
The ON/OFF control switch is a push button switch
which functions by momentary pressing and releasing.
2. After pressing the ON/OFF switch verify the INVERT indicator
(green LED) is on (solid or blinking), and the status indicator on the
inverter is also on.
3. Press the ON/OFF switch again to turn the inverter off, and then
verify the INVERT indicator on the remote and the status indicator
on the inverter both go off.
If the remote passes all the above steps, it’s ready for use.
If the remote fails any of the steps, check all the connections at
both ends of the communications cable and ensure the inverter is
operational. If the FAULT indicator comes on, refer to the Trouble-
shooting section in the MM/MM-AE Series inverters’
Owner’s Manual
to help clear the fault condition.
Factory Default Settings
Your MM/MM-AE Series inverter has many functions that have
changeable settings. These settings are preset and loaded by the
inverter when turned on. However, if the MM remote control is con-
nected to the inverter, the settings from the remote override any
default settings in the inverter. The settings in the remote are saved
in the remote’s non-volatile memory, and will be used — even if DC
power to the inverter is lost — as long as the remote is connected.
See Table 1 for the inverter’s default settings and the settings that
are changed when connected to the MM remote.
Table 1, Inverter and Remote Settings
For more information on these settings, refer to
the MM/MM-AE Series inverters’
Owner’s Manual
Inverter Settings
Remote Settings
Search Watts
(all other MM & MM-AE Series)
(all other MM & MM-AE Series)
10.0 VDC
10.0 VDC
Battery AmpHrs
400 AmpHrs
200 AmpHrs
(Absorb Time = 120 minutes)
(Absorb Time = 120 minutes)
Battery Type
Flooded - Liquid Lead Acid
(Bulk = 14.6 VDC,
(Bulk = 14.5 VDC,
Float = 13.4 VDC)
Float = 13.5 VDC)
Charge Rate
VAC dropout
80 VAC
80 VAC