3 - Command Set
DynaPro Mini| PIN Encryption Device | Programmer’s Manual (Commands)
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EMV L2 ICS Configuration
0000 = No L2 capability
0001 = Configuration C1
0010 = Configuration C2
DynaPro Mini firmware Rev D and
0011 = Configuration C3
0100 = Configuration C4
0101 = Configuration C5
0110 = Configuration C6
0111 = Configuration C7
1000..1111 = Reserved
DynaPro Mini Rev A to C:
Configurations C1 and C2 are
EMVCo certified.
DynaPro Mini Rev D and newer:
Configurations C1, C4 and C5 are
EMVCo certified.
Byte 8
Default = 0x00
Bits 0 through 7 Reserved
Notes for Byte 3, bits 0..3 (MS2.0 Only):
If Error = 0, the device will build MS2.0 format track data (if MS2.0 is enabled) if at least one track
contains good data. The indicated track may contain errors.
If Error = 1, the device will not build MS2.0 format track data (if MS2.0 is enabled) if the indicated
track contains error(s).
If Blank = 0, the device will build MS2.0 format track data (if MS2.0 is enabled) if at least one track
contains good data. The indicated track may be blank.
If Blank = 1, the device will not build MS2.0 format Track data (if MS2.0 is enabled) if the indicated
track is blank.
Command 0x0A - Request MSR Data
This command directs the device to send MSR data to the host; it should be issued after a
command has successfully completed.
If an error occurs, the device will terminate the command and report the error in ACKSTS of
. For a full list of error codes, see
Appendix C Status and Message Table, Table
If no error occurs, the device will send multiple instances of
Report 0x23 - Card Data Report
host. If no MSR data is available, the device will send a single
Report 0x23 - Card Data Report
containing a Data Length of 0.