Pr oduct descr ipt ion | ACX118 0 | 11
ACX118 0 | 11
| 11
3 .3 .3 Print er
(Opt ional)
Service reports can be printed out.
Protect thermal printer paper against direct sunlight,
heat,oils, greases, tanning agents and materials
containing plasticizers (e.g. PVC folders).
If print to flash drive is enabled (See Selectable Options
section) and a flash drive is inserted in USB port, a dupli-
cate report will be generated. Files are saved to USB as
a text file by date.
3.3.4 Ser vice
door s
There are two service doors: One on the left side and
one on the rear of the housing.
Tools can be placed on the upper cover.
The service door on the side provides access to the the
internal refrigerant bottle, and the filter drier.
The service door on the rear permits access to the
Vacuum pump oil fill/drain and used oil.
Fig. 5:
Opening service door on back
To open the service door on the cover, remove the two Phil-
lips head screws and take out the service door.
Fig. 6:
Removing service door
Never attempt to operate the ACX1180 without service
doors, as this would make the working area dangerous.
The housing of the ACX1180 was designed with a built-
in ventilation fan to prevent the accumulation of poten-
tially flammable R134a refrigerant vapors.