Maiman Electronics
Analogue control description
The enable pin is active high 3.3V and 5V compatible logic input. Driver operates when enable pin
is high. To ensure correct start-up without overshoot, the soft-start sequence initiates when the enable
pin becomes high.
The enable pin can be used for QCW operation. The output may be pulsed by applying a TTL
square signal to enable pin.
Crowbar status
Crowbar status pin reports the status of the protection shorting crowbar clamp across the output.
The crowbar will short the output while over-current shutdown and over-temperature shutdown.
While the protection shutdown the enable pin is ignored. Disconnect the driver from power to reset
the protection status.
The Interlock pin must be connected to GND in order for output current to be delivered. It can be
used for external interlock e.g. door or over-temperature switches.
Over temperature warning
When the temperature of driver PCB exceeds 60
C the over-temperature warning will go high to
indicate driver is in danger of shutting down due to over-temperature condition. When temperature of
driver PCB exceeds 80
C, the driver will stop. The driver can be restarted when the temperature drops
to 58
Voltage monitor
The output voltage of the driver can be monitored by voltage monitor. 0-10V = 0-10V with +/-2%
The voltage is measured between LD+ and LD- terminals.
Current monitor
The output current of the driver can be monitored by current monitor. 0-5V = 0-15А with +/-2%
Current set
The driver output current is set by applying an analog signal to the current set pin. 0-5V = 0-15А.
The current set pin can be used for analogue modulation by applying sign, square or ramp signal
with the DC component. Analogue modulation amplitude depends on frequency. Please, control the
output current while using this feature.
If you use arbitrary/function generator or lab PS for current set, make sure it is in High Z mode. Please,
control the current set and current monitor pin voltages while getting started.
NTC Interlock
Thermistor connection. Allows you to measure the temperature of a laser or other devices. The
measurement result is readable by the digital interface. Set upper and lower limits of the temperature
at the outlet of which driver operation is blocked. When the temperature returns to the specified
range, the driver operation resumes.