AG-SD-109 Publishing Date: 13.10.2015 Revision No: 0 Rev. Date:
Make sure that the loads in the output of the UPS prepared are isolated
during the connection if they are not ready to be connected yet.
Before the UPS is started, make sure that cable connections have been made
in accordance with the warnings in boards. Additionally, check if there is
isolated transformer at the input of UPS and consider the local directions.
Make sure that grounding has been made properly. Wrong works or
grounding made may damage the UPS and other systems in the installation. Connecting Batteries
You can find details about internal and external batteries installation procedure and connections
in this section. Internal Battery Installation Procedure and Connection
Battery Installation Procedure
Follow the procedure below while commissioning internal batteries:
1. Remove battery fuse.
2. Make sure that serial and parallel connections of internal batteries are proper.
3. Connect the “- terminal” of the battery to the freed cable inside, named as “-BAT”, properly.
4. Connect the “+ terminal” of the battery to the freed cable inside, named as “+BAT”, properly.
5. Check battery connections once more and make sure that the poles are properly connected.
Avoid short circuiting batteries
Exploding batteries can damage you and your environment!
Battery terminal may rise up to 450 Vdc!
6. Place the rear cover back and screw on completely.
Internal Battery Temperature Sensor
Information concerning temperature of internal batteries is read through NTC placed in the J26
socket of the main control board.