Thanks for buying the M2 CNC Automated Cutting Machine and
welcome to the MakerMade family! The following instructions are
intended for beginners - with no prior CNC experience.
Here are some notes on the layout...
1. Setting up the M2 can be broken down into three main parts: building
the M2, building the frame (or mounting it on an existing Maslow frame),
and calibration. This guide covers the standard frame.
2. I’m Drew and I made this guide! My notes are tips and tricks to help you
along. They are in a different blue font and look like this:
Drew’s Note: Let us know how this guide can be improved. We love to hear from
Drew’s notes are meant to answer some of the “why” questions you might
have and give you tips to get started. We suggest printing the guide in
color, if you want a paper copy.
3. Each step contains written instructions, a visual rendering of those
instructions, color coded pictures of
or parts needed for that
step, the
hardware bag
where you’ll find the parts you’ll need, and
underlined words are something that you should write on your frame in
pencil for reference.
We hope you enjoy setting up your kit, happy making!
Here’s me and Spaghetti,
he’s not impressed with CNC
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