Maintenance of compressor, air set
and air hose
A f ter operation, alw ay s d rain th e c ompressor tank and
the air filter. If moisture is allowed to enter the tool,
it may result in poor perf ormanc e and possible tool
f ailure.
D rain c oc k
Air filter
heck regularly to see if there is sufficient pneumatic
tool oil in the oiler of the air set. Failure to maintain suffi
c ient lubric ation w ill c ause O -rings to w ear q uic kly .
O iler
P neumatic tool oil
Keep th e air h ose aw ay f rom h eat ( ov er 6 0° C , ov er
1 4 0° F ) , aw ay f rom c h emic als ( th inner, strong ac id s or
alkalis) . A lso, route th e h ose aw ay f rom obstac les w h ic h
it may bec ome d angerously c augh t on d uring operation.
H oses must also be d irec ted aw ay f rom sh arp ed ges
and areas w h ic h may lead to d amage or abrasion to
th e h ose.
T o maintain prod uc t S A F ET Y and R EL I A BI L I T Y ,
repairs, any oth er maintenanc e or ad j ustment sh ould
be perf ormed by Makita A uth oriz ed or F ac tory S erv ic e
C enters, alw ay s using Makita replac ement parts.
These accessories or attachments
are recommended for use with your Makita tool
speci ed in this manual.
T h e use of any oth er
ac c essories or attac h ments migh t present a risk of
inj ury to persons. O nly use ac c essory or attac h ment
f or its stated purpose.
I f y ou need any assistanc e f or more d etails regard -
ing th ese ac c essories, ask y our loc al Makita S erv ic e
C enter.
A ir h ose
S af ety goggles
S ome items in th e list may be inc lud ed in th e
tool pac kage as stand ard ac c essories. T h ey may
d if f er f rom c ountry to c ountry .