background image



P 3 / 4  

(2)Adjust the opening for steel ball inserting, to the cam groove  top of spindle
     as illustrated in Fig. 5.


Cam groove  top
of spindle

Opening for steel 
ball inserting

Steel ball 5.6 x 2pcs.

Steel ball 4 x 25pcs.


(3)Take off  2 steel balls  5.6 with magnetic bar or tweezers from spindle.

(4)Loosen the handle of 1R045 turning it anti-clockwise
     and remove hammer from spindle.

(5)When assembling, adjust the "opening for steel ball inserting", to the "cam groove  top" of spindle
     and insert steel ball 4 into hammer as illustrated in Fig. 5.

< Note > Set the hammer as illustrated in Fig.5A, 
               when removing it from spindle.
               Otherwise steel balls 4
               will fall off hammer. 

Ball bearing 

1R165 Ring spring 
           setting tool B

Fig. 5

Fig. 5A

(6) Apply MAKITA grease N No.2 in small volume to the position marked with black triangle mark.
     See Fig. 6.   

(1) Spindle

(3) Steel ball 5.6 x 2

(2) Steel ball 4 x 25pcs.


(4) Spur gear 24

Fig. 6

Bottom view of spindle

Apply MAKITA grease N No.2 in small volume
into  the hole of spindle.
