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9. Practical tips
Prior to using the pump for the first time and any time afterwards, clean your
suction kit
as de-
scribed in the respective operating instructions. Make sure to assemble the parts properly again as shown in
the instructions. Prior to expressing, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe the breast with a
damp cloth. To avoid dry, sore or cracked nipples, do not use soap or alcohol as detergent. Prepare yourself
for the expressing with ease. Take a comfortable and relaxed seat.
Gently press the breast shield over the nipple for a tight contact.
You can operate the
breast pump either with one or two suction kits. To save
time, it is possible to express both breasts simultaneously (double pumping).
Start to express milk. Please observe the instructions for operating explained in Chapter 4.
The pump features a stimulation mode to support milk production. You can also use your free hand for
an additional breast massage to support the flow of milk.
Express both breasts alternately, unless instructed otherwise by your physician.
When expressing make sure not to overfill the milk bottle. With a capacity of 125 ml, we recommend
to interrupt expressing when the 100 ml mark is reached and fill the expressed breast milk to another
container/bottle. Turn the bottle counterclockwise to unscrew it from the breast shield.
Since expressing times strongly depend on the individual mother, you are asked to contact your midwife
or breastfeeding assistant. As a rule of thumb, the following expressing times are recommended:
With one suction kit:
Expressing scheme: Express first and second breast 5 minutes each one after the other, followed by
3 minutes and 2 minutes each.
With two suction kits:
Express both breasts simultaneously for 10 minutes (double pumping). Have a look at the fill level of the
bottle at the suction kit from time to time and make sure it does not overflow.
10. Troubleshooting
The hygienic diaphragm of the suction kit/protector effectively prevents that liquids or solids are sucked into
the pump. If substances are sucked in nevertheless or any other problem occurs, immediately put the device
out of operation. Contact your rental station or directly the manufacturer's customer service.
Pump does not start
Use a fully charged battery or change to mains operation
Check connections between power supply and device
When mains operated, the LED (e) must light up in green
Check connections between rechargeable battery and device
When operated via rechargeable battery, the LED (f) must light up in green
LED (f) flashes in red (error message) when rechargeable battery is weak.
Switch off the device and remove the rechargeable battery.
If you cannot solve the problem, return the device.
Pump does not suck
(does not build up vacuum):
Status LED (c) lights up in red (error message)
Try to switch off and on the device several times. Wait a minute before switching
on again. After five unsuccessful attempts, return the device to the manufacturer.
Check the suction kit:
Check breast shield valve (for cracks and soiling)
Check protective diaphragm for cracks
Protective diaphragm must be inserted flush and crinkle free
Check tube connections
The breast pump/power unit must not be opened by users/patients. For maintenance and
repair work, the device must be returned to the manufacturer.