Maintenance and care
At every engine oil change check the oil pipes for leaks and constrictions.
Furthermore, a regular check should be kept on charge air and exhaust gas pipes.
Any leakages should be attended to at once because they are liable to cause overheat-
ing of the engine.
If the coolant output is to be retained as far as possible, the intercooler must be cleaned
at certain intervals.
Starter motor
Check that the electric cables are properly fastened and that contacts and plug connec-
tions are secure.
In engines fitted with electronic speed pickups at the gear ring (eg electronic speed gov-
ernor and EDC), the speed pickup are to be cleaned too and metal chips that may ad-
here are to be removed.
Always disconnect the battery earth cable before starting work on the electrical
system. Connect up the earth cable last, as there is otherwise a risk of short-cir-