F5 3D Imaging System User Manual
The KaplaVision Application
The KaplaVision application allows you to process and visualize the raw 3D data
scanned by the F5-B in order to achieve the required 3D point cloud model.
The KaplaVision application simplifies the creation, viewing, analysis and export of
3D data models. It includes color and infrared data processing and visualizations
of 3D point cloud models.
The various KaplaVision tools allow you to:
“Fly” through the captured scene, viewing the 3D data from all angles.
Create 3D point cloud models of objects from the scene and export them to
various file formats compatible with standard third-party 3D processing
software tools.
Figure 5: KaplaVision – Main Window
The KaplaVision application also includes the following:
Mantis Vision Advanced Stitching Tool, page 53, which allows you to
combine (align, register and merge) various 3D point cloud pieces into a single
point cloud in order to recreate the 3D structure of the scanned scene.
Mantis Vision Measurement Tool, page 75, which is a software application
for taking precise measurements of a 3D point cloud or a single 3D frame.