Pull straps tight so that any slack on opposite
side of door is gone. Make sure that the buckle
piece is about 3 inches away from the door
AFTER pulled tight. This will put it in the correct
position for next step.
Sometimes a doorjamb is wider than normal (2 inches).
The one shown is 3 inches wide. In this case, the mount
will sit on top of the doorjamb, NOT straddling it. The
device will sit on a cant, NOT perpendicular to the door.
Just make sure that the center of the mount is in-line
with the door crack.
Place mount/device combo as shown, with the
mount straddling the doorjamb. The longer
doorway strap should go up the side slots, and
tightened around the handle of the massage
device. Push in on the device, while pulling the
strap tight. The center of the mount should be
directly over the center of the door crack.
For Squat Rack use see next page.