background image


 Type a description of the EDL-Net log-

ger (see example: “Demo 1”),

 Under Host, put the address of the 

EDL-Net you wrote down earlier (exam-
ple: “”),

 The TCP Port is the “Logger Port 

Address” you wrote down earlier (exam-
ple: “10001”).



 to test the connection for 

the server.

 Then click on 


. You will return to 

the “RF Logger Add” window.


 A description of the EDL-Net 

logger (you can use the same 
description as the server),

 Select EDLNet from the drop 

down list,

 Select the server you just 

entered in the previous step.

 Then click 



Logger Initialization:

To configure the logger

 In the MDAS-Pro menu bar 

click on 



 In the drop-down menu 

click on the 


 you just 


 Click on 




The Logger Initialization screen 
allows you to set up your 
parameters for the EDL-Net 
logger by using the four tabs: 

Setup, Measurement, 
Alarms, and Properties


S E T U P   T A B



 Enter alpha or numeric 

information, such as the location of the 


Tracking Number:

 Enter any numeric 

information. We recommend using the 
same number as the logger address.


Logger Clock:

 Set the time manually 

in the window provided or to set the 
logger-time based on the computer 
time as registered on your personal 


Battery Status:

 The EDL-Net logger comes with two sets of batteries: one set 

powers the RF module and the other one powers the logger. The percentage 
bar in this section displays the estimated battery life based on the date when 
the logger battery was first installed or replaced.

M E A S U R E M E N T   T A B


Start Delay:

 Set a time delay in hours, 

minutes, or seconds before the EDL-
Net will begin to record. 


Measurement Times:

 Set the length 

of time in days or hours that you wish 
to record data. Please note that the 
“Duration of Recording” and “Interval 
Between Measurements” are dynami-
cally linked. Setting the “Duration of 
Recording” will automatically calculate 
the “Interval Between Measurements”. 
Conversely, setting the “Interval Between Measurements”, will automatically 
calculate the “Duration of Recording”. 

For example,

 for a 32K model, if you set the “Duration of Recording” to 365 

Days, it will automatically calculate the “Interval Between Measurements” as 
16 minutes and 58 seconds. Or, if you set the “Interval Between Measure-
ments” at 10 minutes, it will automatically calculate the “Duration of 
Recording” to 215 days and 9 hours.


