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Temperature Greater Than:


you to set the maximum temperature
for an alarm condition to be triggered.

Temperature Less Than:

 Allows you

to set the minimum temperature for an
alarm condition to be triggered.

Alarm Time:

 Alarm conditions are

checked when measurements are
made. If measurements are made
every 5 minutes, then the valid inter-
vals for the Alarm conditions are 0, 5, 10, 15, … etc. A zero time is interpreted
as a single measurement. In this example, five minutes would require two
measurements outside the alarm limits to cause an alarm condition.

The loggers support two different methods of measuring the time for an alarm 
condition. The default method is “Cumulative Time”. The total time beyond the 
limit is counted. The alarm limits may be exceeded only once or several times as 
the total time is added together. The second method is called “Continuous 
Interval”. The alarm will activate only when the alarm limit has exceed the full time 
specified. If the temperature returns to the acceptable range the time count will 
be reset.

A D V A N C E D   A L A R M   M O D E S   ( N O T I F I C A T I O N ) :

Single Alarm Notification: 

with “Single Alarm Notification” the logger must

be reinitialized to reset the alarm. This option allows you to set alarm time.

Manual Reset:

 With “manual reset” you can reset the alarm by pressing the

Start button. This option allows you to set alarm time.

Temperature Notification:

 With “Temperature Notification” the EDL-Net will

send an email every time the temperature reaches the alarm limit, in other
words, it resets itself. You cannot set an alarm time with this option. You can
control the frequency of the emails from Admin/ Alarm Setting/ Time between
email notifications.


Stop Condition:

 The Push Start but-

ton on the EDL-Net logger may be
enabled as a “Stop” button mecha-
nism. This option is not recommended
if you are using the manual alarm reset

Memory Configuration:

 The default

is Record to End of Memory.


 The recording can also be stopped 

by using the remote stop from the 

• When you are finished entering your settings click 



You are now ready to begin recording.

• Simply manually press the Start button or click on remote start from the soft-

ware, EDLNet_(logger description)_Start_Recording_Now.

• The green LED indicator light will blink three times in succession.

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