The bottom scraper plate is split in 3
sections. If we work with one and position it
in the centre of the triplex wheel behind, we
can make longer passes. The cores will be
divided and laid down aside the wheel. We
can make long passes without the wheel
squeezing the cores anymore.
The rubbers are a wear part. The life time depends
on the usage. Replacement is easy.
The opening of the hollow tine should face to the
Do not over tighten the tine secure bolts.
The timing of the cams is very critical. The
sequence is: 1,6,2, 4,3,5.
Check and re-tighten (+Loctite) the main nut on
the main shaft. Otherwise the tine sections become
loose and vibration occurs.
For inspection or easy rubber replacements, you
can easily turn the complete tine sections around,
if you loosen the U bracket from the main frame.