front and the handle in back and tilting slightly to remove the drain pipe from the left side
drain hole.
The reservoir cover may be hot – allow to cool before handling
. Remove
the standpipe by lifting up until the drain stem is out of the drain opening. Lift out and
clean. The drain standpipe and reservoir cover must be replaced before steamer
operation or the steamer will not function properly.
1) Electrical Connection:
Make sure unit is plugged into a proper receptacle or wired
properly and the breaker for the circuit is on.
2) Water Connection:
Make sure the steamer is properly connected to a water source. Do
not connect the unit to de-ionized water; the water probes will not sense the water level.
Make sure the water lines are open.
3) Install drain/overflow standpipe and reservoir cover.
Make sure drain/overflow
standpipe is fitted into cooking compartment bottom drain opening and reservoir cover
drain is fitted into side drain hole. Lip at front of reservoir cover fits over base of door
4) Automatic waterfill:
Water will be added to the steamer as needed periodically and it
should not run dry until turned off and manually drained.
5) Clean probe indicator:
Whenever there is a demand for water the clean probe indicator
will illuminate; once the water reaches operating level this indicator will go out. If the
comes on and stays on
the system has detected a fault and
will shut down the heaters until the fault has been cleared. Most commonly, this requires
cleaning the water sensor probes.
6) Condensate trough:
The trough under the door catches water dripping from the door
and exits the steamer at the rear.
7) Power on / heat up:
Make sure the door is closed then turn the cooking mode selector
switch to the desired setting,
. The steamer will begin warming up. The Amber
light will turn on and remain on until the pre-heating is completed.
Throughout the cooking process the
light will come on periodically whenever the
heaters are on.
8) Door operation:
The door must be closed at all times while cooking. If the door is
opened during cooking, the heaters will shut down and the Amber
light will go off
until the door is closed. You may open the door at any time to check the progress of
cooking, stir product and add or remove cooking pans. If the door handle is loose the
door is not firmly shut; re-shut the door by slamming firmly.
9) Pan combinations:
Pan Size
Quantity per 4-pan steamer
Quantity per 6-pan steamer
12 x 20 x 1 ¼
12 x 20 x 2 ½
12 x 20 x 4
The Altair II steamer accommodates 4” and 6” deep pans. However, for best steam
cooking performance 1 ¼” or 2 ½” deep pans work best. Other combinations of these pan
sizes will fit in your steamer. The steamer will accommodate gastronorm pans.
Do not manually refill hot, dry reservoir with cold water. Damage to the interior may
result if cold water is added to a hot, dry reservoir.
If the door is open, nothing will happen. Close the door and the steamer will turn on
and begin warming up.